What if you could see what calms you down or increases your stress as you go through your day? What if you could see clearly what is causing these changes for your child or another loved one? People could become better at accurately interpreting and communicating their feelings, and better at understanding the needs of those they love.

The study described above explores the possibility of using sensors embedded in Google Glass to robustly measure physiological signals of the wearer. More details about the findings can be found at:

Hernandez J., Li Y., Rehg J., and Picard R. W. Cardiac and Respiratory Parameter Estimation Using Head-mounted Motion-sensitive Sensors. In EAI Endorsed Transactions on Pervasive Health and Technology, Special Issue on Mobile and Wireless Technologies for Healthcare, May 2015. PDF

Hernandez J., Li Y., Rehg J., and Picard R. W. BioGlass: Physiological parameter estimation using a head-mounted wearable device. International Conference on Wireless Mobile Communication and Healthcare (MobiHealth), November 3-5, 2014. PDF (Winner of best student paper award)